VeraGreen: A Look at American Attitudes and Behaviors on Environmental Issues
To be a marketing researcher, one typically needs to have a natural curiosity about the world in which we live, which is probably why so many marketing researchers have academic backgrounds in psychology, anthropology or public policy. We at VeraQuest are in a unique position to access and share the attitudes and opinions of people nationally and abroad. Thus the ability to report on the evolution of certain social phenomena such as VeraGreen is not only professionally relevant but personally rewarding as well.
The VeraGreen report touches on how Americans view the emphasis society places on environmental issues such as global warming and the involvement of government in the private sector when environmental issues are at stake. We examine feelings and behaviors regarding recycling, purchasing automobiles that use alternative fuels, the food we eat, and various types of alternative therapies such as chiropractic and nutritional based programs.

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