Five years after An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore is back with the Climate Reality Project. Launched in mid-September as a global Internet call-to-action, the campaign will “invite people to discover for themselves the truth about climate change … and reject the mistruths they hear every day.” Al Gore gains support from the majority of the population, however:
- About one-third of Americans reject the idea that global warming is a serious threat to our environment
- And, a similar one-third feel the benefits of drilling outweigh the preservation of natural resources
Since Al Gore first came onto the landscape with “An Inconvenient Truth”, concerns about the environment have been muted by an unyielding economic downturn, a painful war or two, and increased debate of the actual existence of climate change. Although a solid majority of Americans still seem to agree with Gore, a substantial minority remain dubious, if not outright, skeptical of the former Vice-President’s claims.
Of note, men ages 30-39 appear to be Gore’s least cooperative audience (this is the only group that favors drilling over preserving natural resources). Do you think he will be able to change their political will and personal behavior this time? Have you personally altered your actions in the past 5 years? Why or why not?

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