Sometimes it feels like we’ve come so far in our health care knowledge…. Practically everyone today wears a seatbelt when driving a car; it’s an accepted fact that smoking causes cancer; and we know we should put limits on our consumption of fast food and alcohol and increase the amount of time we exercise.
But all knowledge aside, we still behave the way we want to, regardless of what years of medical advances and research tell us to do.
It’s true that we haven’t returned to the days of snake oil and cocaine tooth drops…. but here are a few things that we grown-ups all know we are supposed to do BUT somehow we don’t… or can’t… or don’t want to:
- More than 4 in 10 adults have not gone to a doctor for an annual check-up in the past year.
- Almost 1 in 2 haven’t seen a dentist in over a year.
- 61% don’t floss every day.
- Nearly 6 in 10 adults don’t eat vegetables every day, and almost 1 in 5 indulge in dessert every day.
- Almost 4 in 10 adults don’t exercise even once a week.
- 26% still smoke every day.
Which of these transgressions are you guilty of? Any? All? I’ll admit to one, but I’m not saying which one.
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