A couple of weeks back, we touched on knowledge and Americans’ desire (or lack of desire) to consume and absorb news. The recent VeraQuest study showed that more than 8 in 10 U.S. adults read or watch the news at least every other day (81%).
But, news is a vague construct defined by Dictionary.com as “a report of a recent event; intelligence; information; …. newsworthy material.” And, what is considered compelling or urgent information – and what can be tabled until the next day or week – depends on the topic and the audience.
In the latest VeraQuest study, we examined a variety of news content to determine which had the highest measure of consistent consumption:

The weather makes sense because it changes daily and is irrelevant three days later, and interestingly, national news and world news appear equally pressing to the American public.
For the topics that are lower down on the list, my assumption is that the appeal may be less to a general audience, but higher to a passionate niche. There may be a smaller audience who consume sports or business news on a daily basis, but that smaller audience is extremely energized about getting news consistently and immediately. (Not surprisingly, men are higher on both categories.)
What are your favorite news topics to consume?
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